July 5, 2023

Dynamic Sliders with Elementor Pro Loop Carousel

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The ability to create dynamic sliders using the Elementor Pro Loop Carousel feature is a valuable addition to the Elementor tool kit. This tutorial by the Elementor YouTube Channel will guide you through the process of using the Loop Carousel Widget to create a dynamic slider for your online store’s campaigns. The Elementor Loop Carousel Widget is a powerful tool that allows you to display repeated content, such as posts, products, or other custom post types, in a carousel format.

Understanding Loops

In the context of WordPress and Elementor, a loop refers to a template type that dictates the appearance of repeated content. This could include posts, products, or other custom post types on archive pages or other sections of a website. The Elementor Pro Loop Carousel provides design flexibility, allowing you to choose and customize which pieces of information you want to display in your loop templates.

Loop Grid vs Loop Carousel: A Comparative Look

When it comes to displaying repeated content on your website, you have two primary options in Elementor: the Loop Grid and the Loop Carousel. While both are powerful tools, they serve different purposes and offer different functionalities.

Feature Loop Grid Loop Carousel
Content Display The Loop Grid enables visitors to browse content vertically by scrolling down the page. It displays the content in multiple rows and columns. The Loop Carousel presents content in a single row, allowing visitors to browse by swiping horizontally.
Design Flexibility You can adjust the number of columns and items per page in a Loop Grid. You also have the option to display the content in a masonry grid if desired. In a Loop Carousel, you can set the number of slides to display and slides to scroll. You can also set the gap between slides and style the navigation and pagination elements to your liking.
Use Case The Loop Grid is ideal for displaying a large amount of content in a structured format, such as blog posts or product listings. The Loop Carousel is perfect for showcasing a select group of content in a dynamic, interactive format, such as featured products or campaigns.

Building an Elementor Loop Carousel

  1. Start with a Loop Grid Widget
    Begin by dragging a Loop Grid Widget onto your page. Select the template type (either posts or products) at this stage to save time later on. You can choose from your pre-created Loop templates or opt to build a new one by clicking “Create a Template”.
  2. Create a Loop Template
    When creating or editing a Loop template, remember to click “Save” on the pop-up to save the changes you’ve made on the page or template you’re working on. Configure the container settings and begin dragging in widgets. You can use the recommended widgets from the widget library or harness the power of dynamic tags by employing advanced widgets.
  3. Configure the Loop Grid
    Back on your Loop Grid, you can adjust the number of columns, items per page, and even choose to display the content in a masonry grid if desired. Set items to equal height to accommodate longer titles that may not fit in a single line.
  4. Add a Loop Carousel
    Now that you’ve covered how to insert a Loop Grid Widget and design a grid, it’s time to add a Loop Carousel. Drag and drop the Loop Carousel widget onto your page. If you want to use the template you created for the product grid on the landing page earlier, you certainly can. Just type in the template name.
  5. Configure the Loop Carousel
    Under navigation settings, you can choose different icons to change the next and previous arrows or opt to hide them altogether. Then configure the pagination settings. You can also set the gap between slides and style the navigation and pagination elements to your liking.

The Benefits of Using Elementor Pro Loop Carousel

The Loop Carousel feature in Elementor Pro offers a dynamic way to display content on your website. It allows you to showcase repeated content, such as posts or products, in a visually appealing carousel format. This is particularly beneficial for online stores, as it provides a unique way to highlight campaigns or featured products. The Loop Carousel is also highly customizable, allowing you to adjust the number of slides, the order of content, and the overall design to best suit your website’s aesthetic and your audience’s needs.

Common Issues

  • The default preview post or product may not have all the necessary data to display your design and settings
    In such a case, you can select another post or product to preview all the necessary details while you design.
  • Difficulty in arranging items in the Loop Carousel
    Under the query settings in the Loop Carousel, you can select a group of products by choosing the term and typing the name of the category or tags. You can even exclude items you don’t want to display and arrange them in any order that you prefer.
  • The Loop Carousel does not recognize the post types
    Make sure that the post types are selected to be recognized under the Elementor settings through the WordPress dashboard.

Required Resources

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Credit to Elementor
Elementor's YouTube channel is a rich source of practical knowledge for web creators. It offers tutorials, feature introductions, and expert advice.
Dynamic Sliders with Elementor Pro Loop Carousel
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