June 20, 2023

Elementor 3.14.0: Exciting new Features including Image AI

Elementor 3.14.0: Exciting new Features including Image AI

The latest Elementor 3.14.0 update comes with a bunch of new features and changes. The standout feature of this update is the introduction of AI for Image Creation, a tool that promises to revolutionize the way you create images for your website. But that’s not all. The update also brings a host of other enhancements and fixes aimed at improving your website-building experience. Let’s delve into these changes.

New Features in Elementor 3.14.0

AI for Image Creation

Imagine being able to generate any type of image for your website instantly. That’s the power the new AI for Image Creation brings to your fingertips. Whether you need a banner image for your latest blog post or a unique background image for your homepage, this tool can generate it for you in seconds. It’s like having a personal graphic designer on call 24/7.

Add Widgets with a Click

Adding widgets to your Editor is now as simple as clicking a button. No more dragging and dropping. This feature is all about making your workflow smoother and faster. It’s a small change that will save you a lot of time in the long run.

Global Styles Preview

Maintaining a consistent look and feel across your website is crucial. The new Global Styles Preview feature helps you do just that. It provides a preview of your global colors and fonts, so you can see at a glance whether your website’s design is consistent.

Elementor 3.14.0 Updates, Improvements, and Fixes

  • Tabs Widget
    The Tabs Widget now offers more flexibility. You can choose a ‘None’ option for breakpoints, which means your tabs will look the same on all screen sizes. Plus, a new horizontal scrolling feature makes it easier to navigate through tabs when they exceed the width of the screen.
  • Editor Top Bar
    The “Manage Website” button now offers more functionality, including a new “Add new page” option. This means you can create a new page without leaving the Editor, making your workflow even more efficient.
  • Document Settings
    When you change the name of a document in the settings panel, the new name will now appear in the Editor Top Bar as well. This small change makes it easier to keep track of your documents.
  • Not-crawlable Link Errors
    Issues with not-crawlable link errors in Accordion and Toggle widgets have been fixed. This means search engines can now crawl these links, potentially improving your website’s SEO.
  • Responsive Settings for Templates
    Issues with responsive settings for templates have been addressed, particularly when the Additional Custom Breakpoints feature is active. This fix ensures your website looks great on all screen sizes.
  • ARIA Role Attributes
    ARIA role attributes in Accordion and Toggle widgets have been fixed. This improvement enhances the accessibility of your website, making it more user-friendly for people with disabilities.

The Bigger Picture

The introduction of AI for Image Creation is a significant enhancement to Elementor. It’s a tool that not only simplifies the process of creating visually appealing content but also makes the overall website-building experience more efficient. The other new features, improvements, and fixes included in this update further enhance the usability and accessibility of the plugin, making it an even more powerful tool for WordPress users.

See the original changelog here: https://elementor.com/pro/changelog/

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