July 4, 2023

Improved User Experience and Performance with Bricks Builder 1.8.2

Improved User Experience and Performance with Bricks Builder 1.8.2

Let’s take a look at the release of Bricks Builder 1.8.2, a significant update that brings a host of new features, improvements, and bug fixes to the table. This update puts a big emphasis on enhancing user experience and performance. The most notable change is the introduction of new alignment settings for the Post Navigation feature.

New Features in Bricks 1.8.2

Post Navigation: New prev/next post alignment settings

This new feature allows users to adjust the alignment of the previous and next post navigation buttons. This means you can now customize the look and feel of your post navigation to better suit your website’s design and layout.

Countdown element: New “Time zone” setting

The Countdown element now includes a new “Time zone” setting. This allows you to set the countdown timer to a specific time zone, making it easier to coordinate events or promotions across different geographical locations.

Nestable slider: New arrow color & arrow size settings

The Nestable Slider element now offers new settings for arrow color and size. This gives you more control over the appearance of your sliders, allowing you to better match them with your website’s overall design.

Builder: Add “data-control-group” attribute to control groups in element panel

This new feature adds a “data-control-group” attribute to control groups in the element panel. This technical enhancement will help developers when they need to target specific control groups for custom functionality.

Builder: Deselect active element via ESCAPE key & click on structure panel background

This feature improves the usability of the builder by allowing you to deselect the active element by pressing the ESCAPE key or clicking on the structure panel background. This makes navigating and editing your website layout even more intuitive.

Nav menu: Mobile menu “Height” & “Top” setting

The Nav Menu now includes new settings for mobile menu height and top positioning. This allows you to better control the appearance and layout of your mobile navigation menu, enhancing the mobile user experience.

Updates, Improvements, and Fixes

  • Canvas: Element actions should not be visible if parent element set to display: none
    Ensures that element actions are hidden when the parent element is set to not display, reducing clutter and confusion when editing your website.
  • Improve dynamic data parsing for better performance (nested echo tags)
    Enhances the performance of your website by improving how dynamic data is parsed.
  • Offcanvas: Apply background-color to content via class
    Allows you to apply a background color to your off canvas content using a class, giving you more control over your website’s design.
  • Popup: Popup backdrop in-builder & viewport height calculation (for mobile devices)
    Improves the appearance and functionality of popups on mobile devices.
  • Header template settings changed: Regenerate header CSS (external files) automatically
    Ensures that your header CSS is automatically regenerated when you change your header template settings.
  • Structure Panel: Make entire element draggable (not just the icon)
    Makes it easier to rearrange elements on your website by allowing you to drag the entire element, not just the icon.
  • Load More Interaction: Hide button via CSS instead of removing it from the DOM
    Improving the performance of your website.
  • Popup Theme Styles: Remove non-CSS settings
    Simplies the interface and makes it easier to customize your popups.
  • Improve aria-current check against same post type
    Enhances accessibility on your website by improving the aria-current check.
  • Builder: Auto-focus on template search when opening template modal & “Edit” button instead of icon
    Improves the usability of the builder by automatically focusing on the template search when you open the template modal and replacing the “Edit” icon with a button.
  • Form element: Datepicker aria-label
    Enhances accessibility by adding an aria-label to the datepicker in form elements.
  • Nav nestable: Transition & Transform settings
    Introduces transition and transform settings for the Nav nestable element, giving you more control over the appearance and behavior of your navigation menu.
  • Search element: a11y (button, aria-expanded) & new “Button text” setting
    Enhances accessibility and customization options for the Search element.
  • Interactions: Enhance “Hide element” and “Show element” display values
    Giving you more control over the visibility of elements on your website.

Bricks Builder 1.8.2 in Short

The Bricks 1.8.2 update represents a step forward in enhancing the user experience and performance of your website. With new features, improvements, and bug fixes, this update provides you with more control and flexibility in designing and managing your website. Have a look at the official changelog.

Related Resources

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