July 31, 2023

How to Use Optimole – A WordPress Image Optimization Plugin

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Looking to boost your website’s speed using a WordPress image optimization plugin? Then have a look at Optimole! Together with Web Squadron we will provide you with a short introduction to its usage and optimal settings.

The Challenge of Unoptimized Images

Picture this: You have a WordPress site with guest authors or an online directory. People are constantly uploading images, and not all of them are optimized. This can lead to a sluggish website and a drop in performance. But don’t fret, there’s a solution!

The Solution: WordPress Image Optimization Plugin Optimole

The Optimole plugin works like a charm for your website. It’s a free tool that helps you optimize your images. Here’s how it operates: Once you’ve added images to your media library, Optimole starts to automatically convert and compress them. It’s like having a personal assistant who takes care of all the hard work for you!

How to Use Optimole

Getting started with Optimole is straightforward. Here’s how you can get it up and running:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to Plugins > Add new.
  2. Search for the Optimole plugin using the box on the right.
  3. Click on ‘Install Now’ next to the plugin’s name.
  4. When the installation finishes, the ‘Activate’ button will appear in place of the ‘Install Now’ button. Click on it.

Once activated, Optimole will start compressing and converting your images. It’s already working! You can go to the main dashboard of Optimole to see the status of the service in Media > Optimole. There it shows you your account info along with your usage of the Optimole service and the level of optimization achieved.

Advanced Features of the Optimole WordPress Image Optimizer

Optimole isn’t just a basic tool. It offers a range of advanced settings that you can use to further optimize your images. For example, you can enable network-based optimizations, convert animated gifs into videos, and even use smart cropping.

You can also control how many images you want to exclude from lazy loading. Plus, if there are certain images you don’t want to optimize, you can exclude them too. Remember to clear your cached images after changing any settings.

Additional Benefits of Optimole

Using Optimole can help improve your page speed performance. Plus, Optimole converts and compresses your images, making them smaller without compromising on quality.

It also has a dashboard where you can see all your optimized images, track your traffic, and even add a watermark to your images.

Optimole Settings

Optimole offers a range of settings that give you more control over what’s going on. To see these options, switch to the settings tab. Here, you can see the main settings like enabling image replacement, scale images, and enabling error diagnosis tool.

You can also clear cached resources, and reoptimize the images by clearing the cache. There’s also an option to enable the Optimole badge on your website.

Advanced Settings

This advanced tab is where you can take even more control of how Optimole optimizes your images. Here, you can enable network-based optimizations, serve CSS/JS through Optimole, enable gif to video conversion, and strip image metadata.

There’s also an option to limit image dimensions with max width/height and add a new crop image size.

Lazyload Settings

This section allows you to finetune how Optimole executes lazy loading. You can enable a generic lazyload placeholder, exclude the first x of images from lazyload, use native lazyload, and enable lazyload for background images.


If you want to turn off Optimole for individual pages of your site, individual images, or even specific image types, you can do so in this section.

Conclusion of the Optimole Plugin

The Optimole plugin is a fantastic tool for optimizing your images and improving your website’s performance. It’s easy to use, offers a range of settings and features, and works automatically once installed. Whether you’re dealing with unoptimized images or looking to improve your page speed performance, Optimole is a great solution. Give it a try and see the difference it can make. Happy optimizing!

Required Resources

Optimole Logo
Free Options
Credit to Web Squadron
Web Squadron is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to providing informative tutorials, tips, and insights on web development and design. With a strong focus on WordPress and website builders like Bricks Builder, the channel aims to help users of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced developers, create and optimize their websites. By offering easy-to-understand, step-by-step guidance, Web Squadron provides practical and valuable content.
How to Use Optimole – A WordPress Image Optimization Plugin
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