June 22, 2023

WooCommerce Custom Fields with Code Snippets

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To add WooCommerce custom fields it does need much. In fact, just a simple code added with Code Snippets. Explore with WP Simple Hacks how to add a shipping timer to your product page, a feature that can enhance the shopping experience by providing customers with crucial delivery information. The approach is straightforward and doesn’t require advanced coding skills. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to create custom fields, save them to your database, and display them on your product page.

Add Custom Fields to WooCommerce Products

  1. Install the Code Snippets Plugin
    Navigate to your WordPress dashboard, go to ‘Plugins’, click on ‘Add New’, and search for ‘Code Snippets’. Install and activate the plugin.
    Install the Code Snippets Plugin
  2. Add a New Snippet
    In your WordPress dashboard, go to ‘Snippets’ and click on ‘Add New’. Give your snippet a title, for example, ‘Woo Custom Product Text Field’.
    Add a New Snippet
  3. Paste the Code Snippet
    Copy the code snippet below and paste it into the ‘Code’ section of your new snippet. This code will create a new custom field, save it to your database, and display it on your product page.

    // Add custom field to Woocommerce backend under General tab
    add_action( 'woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'wpsh_add_text_field' );
    function wpsh_add_text_field() {
        woocommerce_wp_text_input( array(
            'id'            => '_shipping_time',
            'label'         => __( 'Shipping info', 'woocommerce' ),
            'description'   => __( 'This is a custom field, you can write here anything you want.', 'woocommerce' ),
            'desc_tip'      => 'true',
            'type'          => 'text'
        ) );
    // Save custom field values
    add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_process_product_object', 'wpsh_save_field', 10, 1 );
    function wpsh_save_field( $product ) {
        if ( isset( $_POST['_shipping_time'] ) ) {        
            $product->update_meta_data( '_shipping_time', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['_shipping_time'] ) );
    // Display this custom field on Woocommerce single product pages
    add_action( 'woocommerce_product_meta_end', 'wpsh_display_on_single_product_page', 10 );
    function wpsh_display_on_single_product_page() {
        global $product;
        // Is a WC product
        if ( is_a( $product, 'WC_Product' ) ) {
            // Get meta
            $text = $product->get_meta( '_shipping_time' );
            // NOT empty
            if ( ! empty ( $text ) ) {
                echo '<div class="woocommerce-message">Estimated shipping time: ' . $text . '</div>';
    // Display this custom field on Woocommerce archive pages
    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'wpsh_display_on_archive_page', 10 );
    function wpsh_display_on_archive_page() {
        global $product;
        // Is a WC product
        if ( is_a( $product, 'WC_Product' ) ) {
            // Get meta
            $text = $product->get_meta( '_shipping_time' );
            // NOT empty
            if ( ! empty ( $text ) ) {
                echo '<div class="custom-text">Estimated shipping time: ' . $text . '</div>';

    Source: WP Simple Hacks

  4. Activate the Snippet
    Click on ‘Save Changes and Activate’ to activate your new snippet.
    Activate the Snippet
  5. Add Your Custom Field to a Product
    Go to your product page in the WordPress dashboard and locate the new custom field, ‘Shipping Info’. Enter your predicted shipping time in the field and click ‘Update’.
    Add Your Custom Field to a Product
  6. View Your Product Page
    Navigate to your product page on your website. You should now see your custom field displayed on the page.
    View Your Product Page

Why WooCommerce Custom Fields Might Benefit You

Boosting Customer Confidence

Imagine a customer browsing through your online store, considering whether to purchase a product. They’re interested, but they’re unsure about the delivery time. By displaying a custom field with the estimated shipping time, you can provide this crucial information upfront, boosting customer confidence and increasing the likelihood of a purchase.

Streamlining Your Business Operations

Consider the time you spend responding to customer inquiries about shipping times. By automating the display of this information, you can reduce the number of these inquiries, freeing up time to focus on other aspects of your business.

Enhancing Your Brand Image

Transparency is a powerful tool for building a positive brand image. By providing detailed product and shipping information, you demonstrate to your customers that you value transparency and customer service, which can help to build trust and loyalty.

Common Issues

  1. Custom Field Not Displaying
    If your custom field is not displaying on your product page, ensure that you have correctly copied and pasted the code snippet and that the snippet is activated.
  2. Incorrect Shipping Information Displaying
    If the wrong shipping information is displayed, check that you have entered the correct information in the custom field on your product page.

Required Resources

WP Code Box Logo
Free Options
Code Snippets Logo
Free Options
Credit to WP Simple Hacks
WP Simple Hacks is a YouTube channel that focuses on delivering valuable and straightforward video tutorials for WordPress enthusiasts. The channel's creator, a seasoned WordPress expert, shares his knowledge and experience by covering various topics, such as theme customization, plugin usage, site optimization, and problem-solving techniques.
WooCommerce Custom Fields with Code Snippets
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