June 19, 2023

How to fix the WooCommerce Cart Issue with Elementor

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You might have noticed the WooCommerce Cart Issue with Elementor. It’s not uncommon for updates to cause unexpected issues. One such recent problem has been with the WooCommerce plugin, specifically version 7.8.0, which has caused a significant issue for many users. This issue, which many initially attributed to Elementor, actually lies within WooCommerce itself. The problem manifests as a blank cart or mini cart, even when items have been added. Imran from Web Squadron will show you how to solve this issue by rolling back to a previous version of WooCommerce.

Solve the WooCommerce Cart Issue with Elementor

  1. Identify the problem
    The issue arises when you add an item to your cart or click the mini cart option. Instead of seeing the items and quantity you’ve added, the cart appears blank. This issue is related to WooCommerce version 7.8.0.
    Identify the problem
  2. Download the previous version of WooCommerce
    Visit the standard WooCommerce plugin page and scroll down to find the previous version. Download version 7.7.2.
    Download the previous version of WooCommerce
  3. Deactivate the current plugin
    Before installing the previous version, you need to deactivate the current WooCommerce plugin on your WordPress site.
    Deactivate the current plugin
  4. Install the previous version
    Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on ‘Add New’ under the ‘Plugins’ section. Click ‘Upload Plugin’ and choose the WooCommerce file you downloaded. Click ‘Install Now’ to replace the current plugin with the uploaded one. Activate the plugin after installation.
    Install the previous version
  5. Disable auto-updates
    After rolling back to version 7.7.2, ensure that you have disabled auto-updates for WooCommerce to prevent the problematic version from being reinstalled.
    Disable auto-updates
  6. Check your store
    Go back to your store and click on the cart. It should now be working fine, displaying all the items and quantities you’ve added.
    Check your store

The Pitfalls of Automatic Updates

Automatic updates can be a double-edged sword. While they help keep your plugins and themes up-to-date, they can sometimes introduce new issues, as we’ve seen with the WooCommerce 7.8.0 update. It’s crucial to understand that this problem isn’t unique to WooCommerce or Elementor; it can occur with any plugin or theme update.

To prevent such issues, consider disabling automatic updates for your plugins and themes. Instead, manually update them when you’re ready. This approach gives you the opportunity to back up your site and ensure you have a recovery plan in place before updating.

Measures to Prevent Future Issues

  1. Backup Regularly
    Regular backups are your safety net. They allow you to restore your site to a working state if an update causes issues.
  2. Test Updates on a Staging Site
    If possible, test updates on a staging version of your site before applying them to your live site. This approach allows you to identify and resolve issues without affecting your live site.
  3. Stay Informed
    Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates from plugin and theme developers. Often, they’ll provide information about potential issues and solutions.

Required Resources

WooCommerce Logo
Free Options
Elementor Logo
Free Options
Credit to Web Squadron
Web Squadron is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to providing informative tutorials, tips, and insights on web development and design. With a strong focus on WordPress and website builders like Bricks Builder, the channel aims to help users of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced developers, create and optimize their websites. By offering easy-to-understand, step-by-step guidance, Web Squadron provides practical and valuable content.
How to fix the WooCommerce Cart Issue with Elementor
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