April 8, 2024

How to Make All JetEngine Listing Items Equal Height in Elementor

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Creating a visually appealing and cohesive listing grid in WordPress can often be a challenge, especially when dealing with content of varying lengths. A common issue encountered is the uneven heights of listing items, leading to a disjointed appearance and potentially detracting from user engagement. This tutorial will walk you through the process of ensuring all your JetEngine listing items achieve equal height when using Elementor, significantly improving the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your listings.


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Why You Should Set Equal Height for Listing Items

Achieving equal height for JetEngine listing items in Elementor is vital for:

  • Visual Harmony
    Creates a cohesive and orderly display, enhancing the overall aesthetic of your site.
  • Improved Navigation
    Uniform item heights allow for easier content scanning, leading to a better user experience.
  • Increased Engagement
    A neat and accessible layout encourages users to interact more with the content.
  • Responsive Design
    Ensures listings look good across all devices, crucial for mobile-first browsing.

Instructions To Adjust JetEngine Listing Items Equal Height

  1. Navigate to JetEngine > Listings and open the listing you want to set the equal height.
    Navigate to JetEngine Listings and open the listing you want to set the equal height
  2. Add the required widgets, e.g. a dynamic image and dynamic fields (title and excerpt). Design them as needed.
    Add the required widgets, e.g. a dynamic image and dynamic fields
  3. Open the page where you want to display the grid and add your JetEngine listing grid widget.
    Open the page where you want to display the grid and add your JetEngine listing grid widget
  4. Enable the ‘Equal Column Height’ option found under the grid settings.
    Enable the 'Equal Column Height' option found under the grid settings
  5. Update the page and preview it to ensure all listing items are of equal height, providing a uniform and tidy display.

Official Documentation

Adjust JetEngine Listing Items Equal Height – Conclusion

By following these steps, you’ve successfully adjusted your listing items to have equal heights, creating a more professional and aesthetically pleasing presentation of your content. This method not only enhances the visual appeal of your listings but also improves the user experience by providing a clean and organized view. Remember, the versatility of JetEngine and Elementor allows for further customization, so feel free to experiment with different settings to best suit your website’s needs.

Required Resources

JetEngine Logo
Payment required
Elementor Logo
Free Options
Credit to Crocoblock
Crocoblock is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing tutorials, tips, and insights on WordPress and web design. With a focus on the Crocoblock suite of plugins and themes, the channel offers valuable content for WordPress enthusiasts, developers, and designers looking to enhance their skills and create websites with their tools. Through step-by-step tutorials, product overviews, and expert advice, Crocoblock helps its audience master the art of WordPress website building and customization.
How to Make All JetEngine Listing Items Equal Height in Elementor
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