December 1, 2023

JetBooking Walkthrough – Get Started With the Basics (Lesson 8)

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Tutorial Walkthrough
This video tutorial provides an in-depth walkthrough, and we recommend following along with the video to grasp the concept fully. Below, you'll find a summary of the tutorial, but please note that it may leave out some detailed steps, so watching the video will give you the most comprehensive understanding.

Whether it’s for a fitness class, a venue hire, or extended training sessions, JetBooking offers a seamless integration with WooCommerce and a flexible setup to cater to various booking scenarios. In this JetBooking walkthrough, we explore the basics of setting up JetBooking, focusing on its multifaceted features and customization options.

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JetBooking Walkthrough Summary

  • 0:00 – 0:26:
    Introduction to the versatility of the JetBooking plugin, explaining its utility in various scenarios like booking a venue, sessions with a trainer, or even for extended periods.
  • 0:27 – 1:03:
    Description of installing the JetBooking plugin and initiating setup. The setup wizard offers two modes: Plain mode and WooCommerce based. The WooCommerce mode integrates with WooCommerce products for booking products.
  • 1:04 – 2:31:
    Details on creating a booking product in WooCommerce, discussing options like pricing, seasonal prices, and scheduling. The demonstration uses a venue hire scenario as an example.
  • 2:32 – 3:30:
    Highlighting the limitations of the WooCommerce-based approach for custom post types, and switching to ‘Plain mode’ for more flexibility. Explanation of selecting the relevant post type for bookings (in this case, ‘sessions’).
  • 3:31 – 4:06:
    Clarification on setting up the ‘order post type’ and the choice to use WooCommerce for payment processing. The section also introduces the option to add additional fields to collect more information in the booking form.
  • 4:07 – 5:22:
    Explanation of setting up additional fields in the booking form, like total cost, attendees, and names. The importance of collecting comprehensive booking information is emphasized.
  • 5:23 – 6:45:
    Discussion on configuring the booking settings, focusing on the type of booking (per day/night), and setting minimum and maximum booking days. The section also covers scheduling and the importance of setting days off for non-availability.
  • 6:46 – 7:32:
    More on scheduling, including specifying unavailable dates and the ability to prevent double bookings by synchronizing with an external calendar.
  • 7:33 – 8:02:
    Customization of the booking form in JetEngine, including rearranging fields and adding new ones as needed.
  • 8:03 – 9:01:
    Detailed walkthrough on creating and editing a booking form using JetEngine, focusing on modifying fields to suit the booking scenario, like changing the date format and aligning fields.
  • 9:02 – 10:07:
    Adjustments to the form fields to match the booking requirements, including setting up a check-in/check-out date field and modifying field IDs for consistency.
  • 10:08 – 11:25:
    Explanation of adding and configuring the phone number field in the booking form for better customer communication.
  • 11:26 – 12:58:
    Configuration of the total cost calculation in the booking form, detailing how to set prices based on the number of attendees and the booking duration.
  • 12:59 – 13:44:
    Setting up the ‘Insert Booking’ action in the form and linking it with WooCommerce for payment processing. The section includes setting up email notifications and Google Calendar integration for bookings.
  • 13:45 – 14:15:
    Further customization of the booking form, including setting up WooCommerce order details and ensuring all form fields are correctly linked.
  • 14:16 – 15:00:
  • Final adjustments to the email settings of the booking form, ensuring proper email delivery to both the admin and the customer.
  • 15:01 – 15:57:
    Recommendation to add a redirect page post-booking for better user experience, along with insights into testing the entire booking process thoroughly.
  • 15:58 – 16:38:
    Discussion on alternative form building methods using JetForm Builder for more visually appealing forms.
  • 16:39 – 17:17:
    Instructions on adding pricing details to sessions in JetBooking, with examples of setting different rates for different days and durations.
  • 17:18 – 18:02:
    Further elaboration on setting pricing, including weekend and seasonal rates, and customizing the schedule for availability.
  • 18:03 – 18:38:
    Demonstration of setting up multiple venues or units within a single session type, like different rooms in a hotel.
  • 18:39 – 19:10:
    Finalization of session settings in JetBooking, emphasizing the importance of detailed pricing and schedule setup.
  • 19:11 – 20:00:
    Adding the booking form to the website’s template using Elementor, including styling and layout adjustments.
  • 20:01 – 20:58:
    Detailed guidance on integrating the booking calendar with the form, ensuring proper display and user interaction.
  • 20:59 – 21:45:
    Final touches on the form’s appearance and functionality, emphasizing the importance of a cohesive and user-friendly design.
  • 21:46 – 22:25:
    Live demonstration of the booking process on the website, illustrating the interaction between the calendar and the form.
  • 22:26 – 23:08:
    Insights on improving the booking flow, including tips on form and calendar placement for optimal user experience.
  • 23:09 – 23:58:
    Final overview of the booking setup, highlighting key features like price adjustments based on selected dates and attendee count.
  • 24:00 – 24:37:
    Recap of the importance of thoroughly testing the booking process, ensuring that all components work seamlessly together.
  • 24:38 – 25:22:
    Encouragement to experiment with form settings and styles to achieve the desired look and functionality.
  • 25:23 – 26:03:
    Concluding remarks on the flexibility and capabilities of the JetBooking plugin, emphasizing the importance of methodical setup and customization.
  • 26:04 – 29:21:
    Reiteration of the significance of careful planning and testing in setting up a booking system, with a focus on ensuring a smooth and error-free user experience.

Real-Life Applications of a WordPress Booking System

WordPress booking systems, like JetBooking, have revolutionized how businesses and individuals manage appointments and reservations. Here are some real-world scenarios where these systems are invaluable:

  • Fitness Studios and Personal Trainers:
    Fitness professionals can use booking systems for scheduling personal training sessions, yoga classes, or even booking equipment. Clients can easily view available time slots and book their sessions, reducing administrative burdens and enhancing client service.
  • Accommodation Rentals:
    Whether it’s a hotel, bed-and-breakfast, or a vacation rental, property owners can streamline the reservation process. Guests can check room availability, book their stay, and even make special requests, all from the business’s website. This integration not only saves time but also offers a seamless booking experience.
  • Event Planning and Workshops:
    Organizers of workshops, seminars, or conferences can manage event registrations efficiently. Participants can register for events, choose sessions, and even pay registration fees online. This system simplifies event management and improves attendee experience.
  • Consulting and Coaching Services:
    Consultants and coaches can effectively manage their appointments. Clients can view available slots, book consultations, and reschedule appointments as needed. This autonomy enhances client satisfaction and optimizes the consultant’s schedule.
  • Healthcare Appointments:
    Medical practices can use booking systems for patient appointments. Patients can choose their preferred time and service, reducing wait times and improving healthcare access.
  • Beauty and Wellness Salons:
    Salons and spas can offer clients the ability to book treatments and services online. This convenience can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, as clients appreciate the ease of scheduling appointments at their leisure.
  • Restaurant Reservations:
    Restaurants can manage table bookings more efficiently, reducing wait times and enhancing the dining experience. Customers can reserve tables, specify dietary preferences, and even order in advance through the booking system.
  • Rental Services:
    From car rentals to equipment hire, rental businesses can benefit significantly from a booking system. Customers can view available items, book for specific dates, and even make payments, all streamlined through the WordPress site.

Official Documentation

JetBooking – Conclusion

JetBooking offers a powerful solution for managing bookings on your WordPress site. Its integration with WooCommerce and the ability to customize booking forms using JetEngine forms make it a robust tool for various booking needs. From setting up different rates for different days to configuring email notifications and Google Calendar integration, JetBooking covers all bases for a comprehensive booking system.

Required Resources

WooCommerce Logo
Free Options
JetBooking Logo
Payment required
Elementor Logo
Free Options
Credit to Web Squadron
Web Squadron is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to providing informative tutorials, tips, and insights on web development and design. With a strong focus on WordPress and website builders like Bricks Builder, the channel aims to help users of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced developers, create and optimize their websites. By offering easy-to-understand, step-by-step guidance, Web Squadron provides practical and valuable content.
JetBooking Walkthrough – Get Started With the Basics (Lesson 8)
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