September 5, 2023

The Right Settings for Your CookieYes WordPress Plugin

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So you’re looking to make your website GDPR compliant, and you’ve got your eyes on the CookieYes WordPress plugin. Smart move! Let’s dive in and get those CookieYes settings just right for your WordPress site.

Why Choose CookieYes for WordPress?

CookieYes is a fantastic choice for several reasons:

  • User-friendly Interface
    It’s easy to navigate, making your life simpler.
  • GDPR Compliance
    CookieYes specializes in GDPR cookie consent, ensuring you’re on the right side of the law.
  • Third-party Cookie Management
    Keeps track of all those external cookies that sneak in through plugins and widgets.

Installation and Basic Setup of CookieYes on WordPress

  1. Head over to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  3. In the search bar, type “CookieYes” and then click Install Now.
  4. After installation, click Activate.

You’ll be greeted with a setup wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the initial settings.

Verify Your Email with CookieYes WordPress

First things first, you’ll need to verify your email.

  1. After installing the plugin, go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the CookieYes section.
  3. You’ll see a prompt asking you to verify your email.
  4. Check your inbox for the verification email and click the link inside.

Note: Make sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see the email.

Navigate the CookieYes Dashboard

The dashboard is your control room. It’s where you’ll find all the knobs and dials to tweak your CookieYes settings.

  1. Once your email is verified, you’ll gain access to the dashboard.
  2. Here, you’ll find options like Cookie Banner, Consent Log, Site Settings, and more.

CookieYes GDPR Cookie Consent Banner

Creating a cookie banner is like putting up a signpost that tells your visitors what’s what.

  1. Go to Cookie Banner in the dashboard.
  2. Choose a template that suits your website’s aesthetic.
  3. Customize the banner’s layout, content, and colors.

Tip: You can preview the banner before saving the changes.

Layout Your Cookie Banner

CookieYes offers different layouts like Classic, Banner, Box, and Popup. Think of it as choosing the shape of your signpost.

  1. Under Cookie Banner, find the Layout tab.
  2. Select a layout that fits your website’s design.
  3. Preview the layout to see how it looks.

Customize the Content

The content on your banner should be as clear as a summer’s day.

  1. Still under Cookie Banner, navigate to the Content tab.
  2. Edit the text to explain what cookies you use and why.
  3. You can also add links to your Privacy Policy here.

Play with Colours

Colors can set the mood, so make sure your banner doesn’t look like a Christmas tree unless that’s what you’re going for.

  1. Go to the Colours tab under Cookie Banner.
  2. Choose colors that match your website’s theme.
  3. Save and preview.

Add Custom CSS

For those who speak the language of CSS, CookieYes has got you covered.

  1. Navigate to the Custom CSS tab.
  2. Add your custom CSS code to give your banner a unique touch.
  3. Save and admire your handiwork.

Note: This feature is available only on Premium plans.

Manage Cookies with Cookie Manager

The Cookie Manager is like your pantry. It’s where you store all the cookies.

  1. Go to Cookie Manager in the dashboard.
  2. Add or remove cookies that your website uses.
  3. Organize them into categories for better management.

Keep a Consent Log

Keeping a log is like having a guestbook for your visitors.

  1. Navigate to Consent Log.
  2. Here, you can track and record user consents for compliance purposes.

Note: CookieYes masks IP addresses for privacy.

Tweak Site Settings

Think of this as setting the ground rules for how CookieYes behaves on your site.

  1. Go to Site Settings.
  2. Configure options like geotargeting and automatic script blocking.

Upgrading and Usage

When you’re ready to take things to the next level, upgrading is a breeze.

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Choose a plan that fits your needs and follow the prompts to upgrade.

Your CookieYes plugin should now be set up to make your WordPress site GDPR compliant. Cheers! 🍪👍

Required Resources

CookieYes Logo
Free Options
Credit to The WPress Doctor
WPressDoctor is an expert in the world of WordPress, offering in-depth tutorials on everything from securing your website to optimizing it for search engines. With a keen focus on various plugins, WPressDoctor provides step-by-step guides that are both informative and easy to follow.
The Right Settings for Your CookieYes WordPress Plugin
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