June 20, 2023

Craft a Breakdance Infinite Slider for WooCommerce Products

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The Breakdance Infinite Slider for WooCommerce Products is a fantastic way to showcase your online store’s offerings. This tutorial will teach you the process of creating an animated WooCommerce product slider that auto-plays, using the Breakdance Builder. This feature not only enhances the visual appeal of your website but also provides a dynamic user experience. The best part? You can achieve this without writing a single line of code, thanks to Breakdance’s built-in Products List element.

Create a Breakdance Infinite Slider for WooCommerce Products

  1. Add a Products List to your page
    Navigate to the ‘Add’ button and search for ‘Products List’. Drag and drop this element onto your page.
    Add a Products List to your page
  2. Select the products to display
    Go to ‘Manually’ under the Products List settings and choose the products you want to display in the slider.
    Select the products to display
  3. Change the layout to ‘Slider’
    Under the ‘Design’ tab, change the layout from ‘Grid’ to ‘Slider’.
    Change the layout to Slider
  4. Adjust the slider settings
    Go to ‘Advanced’ under ‘Settings’ and set ‘Slides per view’ to one. This ensures that only one product is displayed at a time.
    Adjust the slider settings
  5. Disable the arrows and enable auto-play
    Under ‘Products List Layout’, choose ‘Disable’ for the ‘Arrows’ option. Under ‘Settings’, enable the ‘Auto-play’ option. Adjust the auto-play settings as per your preference. For instance, you can set the auto-play speed and choose to pause on hover.
    Disable the arrows and enable auto-play
  6. Enable infinite slider
    Under ‘Settings’, enable the ‘Infinite’ option. This ensures that the slider doesn’t stop when it reaches the end but continues to loop back to the beginning.
    Enable infinite slider

Why a Breakdance Infinite Slider for WooCommerce Products might be useful

Implementing an infinite slider for your WooCommerce products is not just about aesthetics, it’s a strategic move that can significantly impact your online store’s performance. Here’s why:

  • Enhanced User Experience
    An auto-playing slider keeps your website dynamic and interactive, reducing the chances of user bounce-off.
  • Increased Product Exposure
    With a slider, you can showcase more products in less space, ensuring that your visitors are exposed to a wider range of your offerings.
  • Improved Conversion Rates
    By strategically placing your best-selling or promotional products in the slider, you can attract customer attention and potentially boost sales.
  • Customization
    The Breakdance plugin allows you to customize the slider to your liking, ensuring it aligns with your brand image.

Common Issues

  1. Slider not auto-playing
    Ensure that the ‘Auto-play’ option is enabled under ‘Settings’. Also, remember that the auto-play feature only works on the front end and not in the builder.
  2. Slider stops at the end
    To create an infinite loop, make sure to enable the ‘Infinite’ option under ‘Settings’.

Required Resources

Breakdance Builder Logo
Free Options
Credit to Breakdance
The Breakdance YouTube channel serves as a practical resource for users of their WordPress website builder. It features in-depth tutorials, where they demonstrate the process of creating a website from the ground up. The channel emphasizes hands-on learning, making it an essential tool for both beginners and experienced users aiming to maximize the capabilities of the Breakdance platform.
Craft a Breakdance Infinite Slider for WooCommerce Products
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