May 18, 2023

Crocoblock Turns 5: Let’s celebrate with 35% Discount

Crocoblock crocodile celebrating birthday

Crocoblock, the maestros of WordPress plugins, are celebrating their 5th birthday. From a small team with big dreams in 2014, they’ve grown into a 70-strong squad of WordPress wizards. Below you will find a code which will give you a 35% Discount on your purchase.

A Journey of a Thousand Miles

Crocoblock’s journey has been nothing short of a wild ride. They hitched their wagon to Elementor, leading to the creation of JetElements, their first plugin packed with widgets for every type of website. Since then, they’ve been churning out plugins like a well-oiled machine.

Meet the Team

The Crocoblock crew is a diverse bunch, from developers and QA specialists to SEO gurus and copywriters. They’ve grown from a small gang of 5 to a bustling team of 70. It’s a big, happy, tech-savvy family!

Innovations Galore

Crocoblock’s secret sauce? Dynamic content. Their star player, JetEngine, gives web creators the freedom to let their imaginations run wild. They’ve also got a treasure trove of features up their sleeve, including smart filters, AJAX search, a pop-up builder, a mega menu, and a form builder.
Despite the curveballs thrown by the pandemic and other hiccups, Crocoblock has stayed on their feet, proving they’re as tough as a crocodile’s hide.

Let’s Celebrate!

To top it all off, Crocoblock is rolling out some sweet deals and discounts to celebrate their 5th birthday. Use the following code at the Crocoblock Website check-out to receive a 35% Discount on your purchase:


So, here’s to Crocoblock: five years of shaking up the WordPress world, and many more to come. Happy birthday, Crocoblock! Keep on rocking the WordPress boat.

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