July 13, 2023

The New WordPress Admin Interface is Coming

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A major transformation with the new WordPress Admin Interface design is on the horizon. One of the world’s most popular content management systems (CMS), will introduce a new admin interface to implement a fresh face. This change is not just a minor tweak or an aesthetic upgrade, it’s a complete overhaul that will affect every WordPress user. Let’s have a look with WPCrafter what changes are coming.

The Current WordPress Admin Interface

For the past 15 years, WordPress users have been interacting with the same, familiar interface. It’s straightforward, functional, and, to be honest, a bit outdated. While it has served us well, it leaves much to be desired in terms of modern design and user experience.

The New WordPress Admin Interface

Enter the new WordPress user interface. This interface is a breath of fresh air. It’s sleek, modern, and intuitive. It’s designed to be user-friendly, reducing the learning curve for new users while providing a more efficient workflow for veterans. When compared to the old interface, it’s like night and day.

New WordPress Admin Interface

The Evolution of WordPress

WordPress has been on a journey of transformation for the last six years. It began with the introduction of its own block editor, a feature that was met with mixed reviews but has since become a staple of the platform. The next phase was the site editor, which is nearing completion and will be fully integrated into the next release of WordPress. The future of the WordPress user interface seems to be following this trajectory, with the new interface bearing a striking resemblance to the site editor.

The Future of WordPress

As we look towards the horizon, the third phase of WordPress development is coming into view. This phase promises exciting new features and improvements, including real-time collaboration, enhanced workflows, improved revisions, and a revamped media library. The centerpiece of this phase, however, is the new admin designs, as demonstrated in the initial mock-ups.

The Impact on Plugin Developers

This new era of WordPress is not just about the end-users. Plugin developers will also reap the benefits of a common component library, which will allow them to create a unified interface for their plugins. This means that plugins will have a more consistent look and feel, improving the overall user experience.

The Relevance of WordPress in the Future

The need for WordPress to evolve is clear. With a plethora of attractive alternatives like Wix and Squarespace offering user-friendly interfaces and easy navigation, WordPress must step up its game to stay relevant. The new interface is a step in the right direction, addressing many of the shortcomings of the current interface and providing a more enjoyable user experience.

The Timeline for the New WordPress Interface

While the new WordPress interface is exciting, it won’t be implemented overnight. Based on the timelines for the block editor and site editor phases, it could be a year or two before we see the new interface in action. However, the transition has already begun, with more features being gradually integrated into the site editor.


As a long-time user and developer of WordPress plugins, I am thrilled about these upcoming changes. I believe they will breathe new life into WordPress and provide a better experience for all users. But what do you think? Are you excited about the new interface, or do you have reservations? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Additional Resources

Currently, you need to make use of plugins to give your admin area a new design. Here are some resources to start with:

For more information about the upcoming changes to WordPress, check out the following resources:

Remember, change is a part of growth. Let’s embrace the new WordPress admin interface and look forward to a more user-friendly and efficient WordPress experience.

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