June 12, 2023

Understanding your SEO Scores – Quality over Quantity

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SEO scores are a hot topic in the digital marketing world, often causing confusion and unnecessary stress. In this tutorial by WP Simple Hacks, we will discuss SEO scores, explaining what they truly mean and why obsessing over them might not be the best strategy for your online success. We will use the popular SEO plugin, Rank Math, as an example, but the principles apply to all SEO plugins like SEOPress and Yoast, etc.

SEO Score Meaning: Decoding the Numbers

SEO scores are numerical values assigned by SEO plugins to evaluate the optimization level of your webpage. They are calculated based on a set of predefined criteria, such as keyword usage, meta tags, URL structure, and content length. However, these scores are not an absolute measure of your page’s SEO effectiveness. Let’s decode what these scores really mean with some real-life examples:

  • High SEO Score, Low Content Quality
    Imagine you’ve created a webpage about “best WordPress themes” and managed to achieve a 100% SEO score by meticulously following all the plugin’s suggestions. However, the content on the page is just a random collection of words and images, with no real value for the reader. Despite the perfect SEO score, this page is unlikely to rank high in search engine results because search engines prioritize content quality and relevance.
  • Low SEO Score, High Content Quality
    Now, consider a webpage with a low SEO score of 12%, but the content is highly relevant, well-written, and provides valuable insights on the topic. Despite the low SEO score, this page might rank well in search engine results because of its high-quality content.
  • Balancing SEO Score and Content Quality
    The ideal scenario is a webpage with both a high SEO score and high-quality content. This means you’ve not only followed the technical SEO guidelines but also created valuable content for your readers. Such a page has a good chance of ranking well in search engine results.
  • Manipulating SEO Score
    It’s possible to artificially inflate your SEO score by adding random text and images to your page, as long as they meet the plugin’s criteria. For instance, adding your focus keyword randomly throughout the text or adding multiple images with the keyword in the alt text can increase your SEO score. However, this approach is not recommended as it doesn’t provide any real value to your readers and can actually harm your rankings in the long run.

Remember, SEO scores are just a guide to help you optimize your pages. They are not a guarantee of high search engine rankings. The key is to balance technical SEO with content quality to create webpages that both search engines and your readers will love.

Steps for Better a SEO Score

  1. Understanding SEO Scores
    SEO scores are metrics provided by SEO plugins like Rank Math, All in One SEO, Yoast SEO, and SEO Press. They evaluate your page based on certain criteria and give it a score. However, these scores are not the be-all and end-all of SEO. They are merely tools to guide you in optimizing your page.
  2. Creating a Page
    When creating a new page, you might start with a low SEO score. For instance, adding a focus keyword to your title and first paragraph can increase your score. However, remember that the content should be meaningful and relevant to your audience.
  3. Adding Content
    Adding more content to your page, such as text and images, can further increase your SEO score. However, avoid adding content randomly just to increase the score. The content should add value to your readers.
  4. Optimizing Your Page
    SEO plugins provide suggestions for optimization, such as adding the focus keyword to the URL, using subheadings, and adding external links. While these can improve your SEO score, they should be implemented thoughtfully and in a way that enhances the user experience.
  5. Understanding the Limitations of SEO Scores
    Despite achieving a 100% SEO score, your page might not rank on the first page of Google search results. This is because SEO scores are not the only factor that Google considers when ranking pages. The quality of your content and its relevance to the search query are also crucial.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Obsessing Over SEO Scores
    One common issue is obsessing over SEO scores and trying to achieve a 100% score at all costs. This can lead to practices like keyword stuffing and adding irrelevant content, which can actually harm your SEO.
  2. Ignoring Content Quality
    Another issue is ignoring the quality of your content in favor of SEO scores. Remember, content is king. No amount of SEO optimization can compensate for poor-quality, irrelevant content.
  3. Relying Solely on SEO Scores
    SEO scores are just one factor that search engines consider when ranking pages. Other factors, such as backlinks, user engagement, and page speed, also play a significant role.

Required Resources

SEOPress Logo
Free Options
Rank Math Logo
Free Options
Yoast SEO Logo
Free Options
Credit to WP Simple Hacks
WP Simple Hacks is a YouTube channel that focuses on delivering valuable and straightforward video tutorials for WordPress enthusiasts. The channel's creator, a seasoned WordPress expert, shares his knowledge and experience by covering various topics, such as theme customization, plugin usage, site optimization, and problem-solving techniques.
Understanding your SEO Scores – Quality over Quantity
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