January 29, 2024

Create a Staff/Employee Custom Post Type with ACF and GenerateBlocks Pro

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Creating a staff/employee custom post type with ACF and GenerateBlocks Pro is an efficient way to manage and display staff profiles on a WordPress website. This tutorial demonstrates how to set up a custom post type for staff members, using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and GenerateBlocks Pro, to create a dynamic and easily manageable staff directory.

Staff/Employee Custom Post Type Preview
Staff/Employee Custom Post Type Preview


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Benefits of Staff/Employee Custom Post Type for a WordPress Website

Integrating a Staff/Employee Custom Post Type into a WordPress website offers several advantages:

  • Enhanced Organization
    Custom post types provide a structured way to manage specific content types, like staff profiles. This separation from standard posts and pages ensures better organization and easier management of staff information.
  • Improved User Experience
    A dedicated post type for staff members allows for a consistent layout and presentation of their profiles. This consistency enhances the user experience, making it easier for visitors to find and navigate through staff information.
  • Efficient Content Management
    With custom fields and post types, updating staff information becomes more straightforward. Administrators can easily modify details such as bios, images, or contact information without altering the overall page layout.
  • Dynamic Content Display
    Custom post types enable the dynamic display of staff profiles across various sections of the website. This flexibility allows for the integration of staff profiles in relevant areas, such as department pages or alongside related articles.
  • Scalability
    As the organization grows, the custom post type can easily accommodate more profiles. This scalability ensures the website can evolve with the company without needing significant structural changes.
  • Customization and Branding
    Custom post types allow for tailored design and branding specific to staff profiles, aligning with the overall aesthetic and brand identity of the website.
  • SEO Benefits
    Organized and well-structured content is favorable for SEO. Having a dedicated custom post type for staff profiles can contribute to improved search engine visibility and ranking.

Instructions to Create Staff/Employee Custom Post Type

  1. Navigate to ACF > Post Types > Add New to create a new custom post type for your staff or employees.
    Navigate to ACF > Post Types > Add New to create a new custom post type for your staff or employees
  2. Enter a plural label (e.g., Trainers), a singular label (e.g., Trainer), and a post type key (e.g., trainers).
    Enter a plural label (e.g., Trainers), a singular label (e.g., Trainer), and a post type key (e.g., trainers
  3. Configure advanced settings, such as removing the featured image and editor if not needed. Save your custom post type.
    Configure advanced settings, such as removing the featured image and editor if not needed
  4. Create a new field group via ACF > Field Groups > Add New and give it a title, e.g. Trainers.
    Create a new field group via ACF > Field Groups > Add New and give it a title, e.g. Trainers
  5. Add custom fields such as ‘Trainer Bio’ (WYSIWYG Editor) and ‘Trainer Image’ (Image). Set the field group to display when the post type is ‘trainer’ and save changes.
    Add custom fields such as 'Trainer Bio'
  6. Add new entries to your custom post type (Trainers > Add New Trainer), filling in the custom fields as required. Click “Publish”.
    Add new entries to your custom post type
  7. Edit the page where you want to display your staff profiles.
    Edit the page where you want to display your staff profiles
  8. Insert a Query Loop block in GenerateBlocks Pro, selecting your custom post type.
    Insert a Query Loop block in GenerateBlocks Pro, selecting your custom post type
  9. Connect dynamic data sources to each element in the Query Loop block, such as the title, bio, and image.
  10. Style and arrange your layout as desired.
  11. Preview your page and publish when ready.

Official Documentation

Staff/Employee Custom Post Type – Conclusion

By following these steps, you have successfully created a dynamic Staff/Employee Custom Post Type using ACF and GenerateBlocks Pro. This approach not only makes the information easily manageable but also allows for flexible design options to showcase your team members effectively.

Required Resources

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Credit to The Admin Bar
The Admin Bar is a resourceful platform dedicated to WordPress. From insightful videos on optimizing your WordPress tech stack to creative hacks for faster web page creation, the channel is a treasure trove for both beginners and advanced WordPress users.
Create a Staff/Employee Custom Post Type with ACF and GenerateBlocks Pro
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