November 10, 2023

Send Email when New Post is Published in WordPress with Simple Newsletter Plugin – Noptin

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Tutorial Walkthrough
This video tutorial provides an in-depth walkthrough, and we recommend following along with the video to grasp the concept fully. Below, you'll find a summary of the tutorial, but please note that it may leave out some detailed steps, so watching the video will give you the most comprehensive understanding.

Automating email notifications for new posts can keep your audience engaged and informed. This tutorial will walk you through setting up a system to “Send Email when New Post is Published” on your WordPress site using the Simple Newsletter Plugin – Noptin, with integration options for Elementor Pro.


Please make sure you have the following installed and activated:

Creating a Subscription Form

  1. Navigate to Noptin Newsletter > Subscription Forms and click on Add New.
  2. Name your form appropriately, for example, “Email Opt In”.
  3. Customize the form using the built-in form builder options.
  4. Ensure the shortcode option is selected for easy placement on your site.
    Ensure the shortcode option is selected for easy placement on your site

Add the Form via Shortcode

  1. Copy the shortcode from the overview or directly in your form.
    Copy the shortcode from the overview or directly in your form
  2. Go to the page where you want to place the shortcode (in this example we use the single blog post template).
  3. Add a shortcode widget and paste the shortcode in the field.
    Add a shortcode widget and paste the shortcode in the field

Integrating with Elementor Pro

  1. Open your Elementor editor where you want the form.
  2. Drag the Form widget to your desired location.
  3. Under “Actions After Submit” select “Noptin” and map your email field accordingly.
    Under "Actions After Submit" select "Noptin"

Configuring Email Campaigns

  1. Navigate to Noptin Newsletter > Email Campaigns > Automated Emails.
  2. Create a new campaign for new post notifications.
    Create a new campaign for new post notifications.
  3. Set the campaign to trigger when a new post is published by selecting “New Post Notification”.
    Set the campaign to trigger when a new post is published
  4. Adjust the settings according to your needs.
    Adjust the settings according to your needs

    Tip: You can use available tags and custom HTML to customize your messages.

Testing Your Setup

  1. Publish a test post.
  2. Check your email to ensure the notification is sent.
    Check your email to ensure the notification is sent

Supplementary Resources

Send Email when New Post is Published – Conclusion

With the Noptin plugin and optional Elementor Pro integration, setting up email notifications for new blog posts is straightforward. Customize your subscription form, configure your email campaigns, and keep your subscribers up-to-date with your latest content.

Required Resources

Credit to Wicky Design
Immerse yourself in the world of web design with Barbara and Mark, a talented husband and wife duo based in Philadelphia, PA. Their channel focuses on everything from web design and Elementor to WordPress and growing an online business. With their unique blend of experience and expertise, they offer invaluable tips, tutorials, and insights for both beginners and experts.
Send Email when New Post is Published in WordPress with Simple Newsletter Plugin – Noptin
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