January 12, 2024

Walkthrough: Create Interactive Card Effects With GenerateBlocks and CSS

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Tutorial Walkthrough
This video tutorial provides an in-depth walkthrough, and we recommend following along with the video to grasp the concept fully. Below, you'll find a summary of the tutorial, but please note that it may leave out some detailed steps, so watching the video will give you the most comprehensive understanding.

Discover how to create engaging and interactive card effects using GenerateBlocks and CSS. This tutorial guides you through the process of designing a dynamic card that responds to user interaction, enhancing your website’s visual appeal.

Interactive Card Effects With GenerateBlocks Preview
Interactive Card Effects With GenerateBlocks Preview


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The Value of Interactive Effects

Interactive effects on web elements like cards aren’t just about aesthetics; they play a crucial role in enhancing user experience and engagement. Here’s why incorporating interactive effects can be beneficial:

  • Improved User Engagement:
    Interactive elements captivate users’ attention. When users hover over a card and see it respond, it creates a moment of engagement, encouraging them to explore further.
  • Enhanced Usability:
    Subtle animations, like the expansion of a card or the appearance of an arrow, can guide users’ attention to important information or actions, improving the overall usability of the site.
  • Visual Feedback:
    Interactive effects provide instant visual feedback. For instance, a card that changes appearance on hover immediately lets users know it’s clickable, aiding in intuitive navigation.
  • Modern Aesthetic:
    Dynamic effects contribute to a modern and sophisticated website look, which can help in establishing credibility and a professional online presence.
  • Increased Conversion Rates:
    Engaging designs often lead to longer site visits and can effectively guide users towards conversion points, like sign-up forms or purchase buttons.

Interactive Card Effects – Summary

  • 0:00:
    The WP Admin Bar introduces a new interactive card design using GenerateBlocks. Key features include enlarging the background image on hover, darkening the overlay, and animating an arrow and a yellow accent.
  • 1:05:
    A blank page is used to demonstrate building the card from scratch. A three-column grid is set up with a focus on one column. The background image (mountain bike photo) is added, and a minimum height of 250 pixels is established.
  • 2:06:
    The card is styled with rounded edges and an overlay. Adjusts various settings like border-radius, background gradient, and overflow to achieve the desired look.
  • 3:00:
    Adds text (mountain bikes) and an arrow inside a container, setting the text to uppercase and white. The card layout is changed to flex to align the container at the bottom.
  • 4:00:
    The arrow image is added, and its position is adjusted using flex properties. The presenter adds a class to the arrow for targeting with CSS.
  • 5:02:
    Custom CSS effects are applied to the arrow to make it interactive. Transform and opacity effects are used to animate the arrow on hover.
  • 7:00:
    Introduces the second version of the card, improving it with a bit of CSS. A class is added to the card container for CSS targeting.
  • 7:47:
    CSS is written to create a pseudo-element for a yellow accent in the card’s corner. The size, position, and color are adjusted, and animations are added for hover effects.
  • 10:49:
    The third version is introduced to match the original concept in Figma. Modifications include enlarging the background image and darkening the overlay on hover.
  • 11:03:
    To achieve the desired background image effects, the setup in GenerateBlocks is changed. The background image is removed and re-added as an image block in the DOM.
  • 12:06:
    Additional CSS is written to position the image as a background and add an overlay gradient using pseudo-elements.
  • 14:00:
    Demonstrates how to make the overlay appear darker on hover by manipulating the height and transition properties of the pseudo-element.
  • 15:49:
    Finally, the background image is made to grow on hover using the transform scale property, creating a cohesive interactive effect.
  • 16:39:
    The video concludes by emphasizing the power of learning CSS. Practical examples are provided to encourage viewers to practice and apply CSS in their projects.

Official Documentation

Interactive Card Effects – Conclusion

This tutorial highlights the versatility of CSS in enhancing the functionality of GenerateBlocks, demonstrating how simple CSS tweaks can significantly elevate your web design.

Required Resources

GenerateBlocks Logo
Free Options
Credit to The Admin Bar
The Admin Bar is a resourceful platform dedicated to WordPress. From insightful videos on optimizing your WordPress tech stack to creative hacks for faster web page creation, the channel is a treasure trove for both beginners and advanced WordPress users.
Walkthrough: Create Interactive Card Effects With GenerateBlocks and CSS
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