January 18, 2024

Walkthrough: Frontend Post Submission in WordPress with Bricks and Bricksforge

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Tutorial Walkthrough
This video tutorial provides an in-depth walkthrough, and we recommend following along with the video to grasp the concept fully. Below, you'll find a summary of the tutorial, but please note that it may leave out some detailed steps, so watching the video will give you the most comprehensive understanding.

WordPress offers a range of solutions to enhance user interaction on websites. Among these, frontend post submission stands out for its convenience and efficiency. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to implement frontend post submission in WordPress using Bricks Builder and Bricksforge, two powerful tools that make this process seamless and user-friendly.

Frontend Post Submission in WordPress with Bricks and Bricksforge Preview
Bricksforge Pro Form Frontend Submission Preview


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Why Frontend Post Submission is Beneficial

Frontend post submission in WordPress can elevate the user experience and streamlines content management. Here are some key benefits:

  • User-Friendly Interface
    Unlike the traditional WordPress dashboard, frontend submission provides a more intuitive and accessible interface for users. This is especially beneficial for those not familiar with the WordPress backend, making it easier for them to contribute content.
  • Enhanced User Engagement
    By allowing users to submit posts directly from the frontend, your website becomes more interactive and engaging. This feature can encourage more users to participate, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.
  • Streamlined Content Management
    Frontend submission simplifies the process of managing content. Users can create, edit, and submit posts without navigating the complexities of the backend. This leads to a more efficient content creation process.
  • Customization and Control
    With tools like Bricks Builder and Bricksforge, you can customize the submission forms to fit your website’s style and requirements. You can decide which fields are necessary, guiding users to submit the specific information you need.
  • Security and Control
    Frontend submission can be more secure than providing backend access. You have control over what users can see and do, reducing the risk of accidental changes to your website’s critical settings or design.
  • Reduced Admin Workload
    By enabling users to post content directly, the workload on the website administrators is reduced. They can focus on moderating and managing the content instead of handling every aspect of the post creation process.

Frontend Post Submission in WordPress Tutorial Summary

  • 0:00:
    Introduction to Bricksforge and Proforms element, focusing on creating a front-end dashboard for post management in WordPress.
  • 0:22:
    Demonstration of a post list with an edit option for each post, such as editing the steak and bacon smash burger post.
  • 0:51:
    Starting with editing the post list page in Bricks Builder, focusing on setting up the edit button to correctly link to the edit post page.
  • 1:39:
    Overview of the page structure: a section with a container, a card block as a loop set up as a grid containing image, heading, basic text, and a button for editing posts.
  • 1:57:
    Explanation of configuring the edit button: changing link type to external URL and adding a query with the post ID to the URL.
  • 3:14:
    Shifting to setting up the edit post page, starting with adding a section, container, and the Proform element.
  • 3:44:
    Using custom fields instead of the legacy method in Proforms for more flexibility.
  • 4:09:
    Adding elements to the form: text for the post title, rich text for content, file upload for the featured image, and checkbox wrapper for categories.
  • 5:47:
    Preview of the basic form setup without detailed configurations.
  • 6:04:
    Configuring the Proform actions: setting it to update the post upon submission.
  • 7:02:
    Setting dynamic data for form fields: Using URL parameters to fetch post title, content, and featured image based on post ID.
  • 10:08:
    Configuring the rich text field and customizing the toolbar.
  • 10:57:
    Setting up the featured image upload: specifying file types and size limits.
  • 12:04:
    Configuring the checkbox wrapper to display post categories using a query loop and setting up labels and values.
  • 14:21:
    Ensuring that checkboxes are checked based on the current post categories using URL parameters.
  • 16:34:
    Adding a hidden field to store the post ID for updating the correct post.
  • 17:55:
    Linking form fields to the update post action, ensuring each form element corresponds to the correct post attribute.
  • 20:45:
    Final configurations and testing of the form: ensuring data is correctly loaded and submitted, addressing issues with form reset.
  • 22:00:
    Summary and potential extensions, such as restricting access to logged-in users or filtering posts based on user details.

Official Documentation

Frontend Post Submission in WordPress – Conclusion

In this tutorial, we explored the process of setting up a frontend post submission system in WordPress using Bricks Builder and Bricksforge. By following these steps, you can enhance your website’s user interaction, making it more dynamic and engaging.

Required Resources

Bricksforge Logo
Payment required
Bricks Builder Logo
Payment required
Credit to WPTuts
WPTuts is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to providing high-quality, easy-to-follow tutorials for WordPress enthusiasts, web designers, and developers. The channel features a wide range of topics, from beginner guides on setting up your first WordPress site to advanced tutorials on customizing themes and plugins, ensuring that there's something for everyone
Walkthrough: Frontend Post Submission in WordPress with Bricks and Bricksforge
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