February 29, 2024

The Optimal EWWW Image Optimizer Settings 2024

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This tutorial will walk you through the optimal EWWW Image Optimizer Settings 2024 to maximize your website’s efficiency. The EWWW Image Optimizer plugin is a helpful tool for enhancing website performance by optimizing images, leading to faster load times. Ensure your website loads quickly is more important than ever, as it affects user experience, SEO rankings, and conversion rates.


Please make sure you have the following installed and activated:

Why Optimizing Your Settings is Important

  • Improves Website Speed
    Directly enhances user experience and boosts SEO rankings by reducing load times.
  • Reduces Bandwidth and Storage
    Saves on hosting costs by lowering the amount of data transferred and stored.
  • Modern Format Compatibility
    Ensures websites are up-to-date with web standards by using efficient image formats like WebP.
  • Optimizes User Experience
    Provides a seamless browsing experience across all devices and browsers.

EWWW Image Optimizer Settings 2024

  • 0:00 – 0:21
    Introduction to the video, highlighting the goal to speed up websites by installing and setting up the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin.
  • 0:22 – 0:59
    Steps for installing the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin through the WordPress dashboard, emphasizing the plugin’s popularity and high rating.
  • 1:00 – 1:17
    Recommendation to back up the site before installing the plugin on live sites and a brief mention of the plugin’s addition of a menu item under media for bulk optimization.
  • 1:18 – 2:37
    Overview of the plugin’s settings and the initial setup process, including a quick survey to help customize settings for the user’s needs, and selection of optimization features like removing metadata, lazy load, and WebP conversion.
  • 2:38 – 3:12
    Discussion on setting maximum image dimensions to save space and improve website speed, along with options for image backups and embedded help.
  • 3:13 – 4:06
    Explanation of Easy and Ludicrous modes within the plugin, with Ludicrous mode offering more advanced settings and features.
  • 4:07 – 5:08
    Detailed exploration of removing metadata from images to save space and improve load times, with a tool recommended for viewing image metadata.
  • 5:09 – 6:04
    Additional settings for resizing images, adding dimensions to HTML, enabling lazy load, and auto-scaling images based on device type.
  • 6:05 – 7:00
    Further optimization options such as handling external background images, exclusions from lazy load, and converting images to WebP format.
  • 7:01 – 8:21
    Advanced settings for JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF, and SVG optimization levels, along with options for backing up originals and adjusting optimization settings.
  • 8:22 – 9:58
    Explanation of scheduling optimizations, managing media folders, and fine-tuning resize options for various image sizes created by WordPress.
  • 9:59 – 11:00
    Conversion options for images, including changing file types and specifying background colors for JPEG conversions.
  • 11:01 – 12:02
    Final thoughts on the settings available in Ludicrous mode and a reassurance on sticking with default settings unless specific adjustments are needed.
  • 12:03 – 13:22
    Demo of front-end image resizing detection and how the plugin highlights images that need resizing for optimal viewing on different devices.
  • 13:23 – 14:50
    Bulk optimization feature demonstration, showing how to optimize multiple images at once and adjust settings for webP conversion and optimization pausing.
  • 14:51 – 15:38
    Real-life example of optimizing a high-resolution stock image and showcasing the significant file size reduction achieved through optimization.
  • 15:39 – 16:56
    Summary of the bulk optimization process, including the display of optimized images and the file size savings for each.
  • 16:57 – 20:44
    Concluding remarks emphasizing the importance of using an image optimizer for website speed improvement and an invitation to explore the paid version of the EWWW Image Optimizer for enhanced optimization features.

Official Documentation

EWWW Image Optimizer 2024 Settings – Conclusion

Optimizing images is a straightforward yet effective method to enhance your website’s performance. The EWWW Image Optimizer plugin for WordPress makes this task easier by automating the optimization process. By following the recommended settings for 2024, you can ensure your website remains fast, efficient, and user-friendly.

Required Resources

EWWW Image Optimizer Logo
Free Options
Credit to WPLearningLab
WPLearningLab is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing comprehensive WordPress tutorials and resources for users of all skill levels. With a focus on simplifying complex concepts, the channel offers valuable insights on themes, plugins, and site optimization, as well as troubleshooting tips and best practices for creating and maintaining a successful WordPress website.
The Optimal EWWW Image Optimizer Settings 2024
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