July 13, 2023

Fill Elementor Tabs with Dynamic Content

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This tutorial aims to provide clear instructions on how to populate Elementor tabs with dynamic content, a feature that can greatly improve your website’s functionality and user experience. Together with Web Squadron, we will learn how to use Loop grids & filters to set up your dynamic content tabs.

Understanding Elementor Tabs with Dynamic Content

Elementor tabs serve as a practical tool for organizing and compartmentalizing content on a webpage. They allow you to create separate sections, each accessible by clicking on its corresponding tab. This feature is particularly useful for pages with a large amount of content, as it improves navigation and readability.

Dynamic content in Elementor refers to content that changes based on specific conditions or parameters. It can include anything from posts and product pages to user profiles and forms. By integrating dynamic content within tabs, you can create a more interactive and personalized user experience.

Setting Up Elementor for Dynamic Content

Before you can start creating dynamic tabs, you need to ensure that your Elementor settings are correctly configured. Specifically, you need to enable the Flexbox container and nested settings. These settings are crucial for creating complex layouts with your tabs.

Here’s how to enable these settings:

  1. Open the Elementor settings.
  2. Navigate to the ‘Features’ tab.
  3. Look for the ‘Flexbox Container’ and ‘Nested Settings’ options and enable them.

This process ensures that your Elementor is ready to handle dynamic content within tabs.

Creating Tabs in Elementor

Creating tabs in Elementor is a straightforward process. Here’s a more detailed guide:

  1. Open the Elementor editor.
  2. In the widgets panel, search for ‘Tabs’.
  3. Drag and drop the ‘Tabs’ widget into your layout.
  4. You can add as many tabs as you need by clicking on the ‘Add Item’ button.
  5. Customize each tab by changing its title and content.

Adding Dynamic Content to Tabs

With your tabs in place, you can now start adding dynamic content. For this, we’ll use the loop grid widget, which allows you to display posts, products, or any custom post types in a grid layout.

Here’s how to add dynamic content to your tabs:

  1. In the widgets panel, search for ‘Loop Grid’.
  2. Drag and drop the ‘Loop Grid’ widget into one of your tabs.
  3. Instead of creating a new template, you can use an existing one that contains the dynamic content you want to display.
  4. Repeat these steps for each tab you want to fill with dynamic content.

Customizing Tabs Based on Categories

Elementor allows you to customize your tabs based on specific categories. This means you can create tabs that display content from a specific category, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.

Here’s how to customize your tabs based on categories:

  1. Click on the ‘Loop Grid’ widget inside one of your tabs.
  2. Scroll down to the ‘Query’ section.
  3. In the ‘Include Term’ field, enter the name of the category you want to display content from.
  4. Repeat these steps for each tab you want to customize.

Advanced Tab Customization

For those who want to take their tabs to the next level, Elementor offers the option to create nested tabs. This allows you to organize your content into subcategories within each tab. However, keep in mind that adding too many nested tabs can overload the JavaScript, so use this feature sparingly.

Here’s how to create nested tabs:

  1. Copy your entire tab widget.
  2. Create a new tab and give it a name.
  3. Paste the copied tab widget into the new tab.

Conclusion of Elementor Tabs with Dynamic Content

Filling Elementor tabs with dynamic content is a powerful way to enhance your website’s interactivity and user engagement. By following the instructions in this post, you should be able to create dynamic tabs that suit your needs. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different categories and customizations to make your tabs truly unique.

Additional Resources

For more information on using Elementor and its features, consider checking out the following resource:

Remember, the key to mastering any tool is practice. So, don’t hesitate to explore Elementor and its features. Happy designing!

Required Resources

Elementor Logo
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Credit to Web Squadron
Web Squadron is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to providing informative tutorials, tips, and insights on web development and design. With a strong focus on WordPress and website builders like Bricks Builder, the channel aims to help users of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced developers, create and optimize their websites. By offering easy-to-understand, step-by-step guidance, Web Squadron provides practical and valuable content.
Fill Elementor Tabs with Dynamic Content
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