November 7, 2023

Create a Dynamic WordPress Website with ACPT & Bricks Builder

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Tutorial Walkthrough
This video tutorial provides an in-depth walkthrough, and we recommend following along with the video to grasp the concept fully. Below, you'll find a summary of the tutorial, but please note that it may leave out some detailed steps, so watching the video will give you the most comprehensive understanding.

Creating a dynamic WordPress website can be a daunting task, but with the right tools, it becomes a seamless experience. In this tutorial, we’ll leverage ACPT (Advanced Custom Post Types) and Bricks Builder to craft a dynamic site without deep-diving into code.


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Introduction to Custom Post Type Tools

When building custom post types, MetaFields, and taxonomies in WordPress, popular tools like Advanced Custom Fields, MetaBox, JetEngine, or Toolset may come to mind. However, ACPT is a noteworthy newcomer offering versatility at competitive pricing. It is an innovative tool that simplifies the creation of custom post types, MetaFields, and taxonomies.

Setting Up ACPT with Bricks Builder

To set up ACPT with Bricks Builder:

  1. Navigate to Bricks > Settings > Builder and configure the dynamic data options.
  2. Enable all options to ensure compatibility with dynamic content.

Setting Up ACPT with Bricks Builder

Tip: Ensuring all dynamic data options are enabled is crucial for seamless integration.

Creating Custom Post Types

Navigate to ACPT > Custom Post Types and register a new type.

  1. Set your name, labels and choose an icon.
  2. Configure the supported WordPress fields as needed.

Insight: While ACPT is user-friendly, familiarizing yourself with WordPress’s native post fields can enhance your custom post types.

Configuring Taxonomies

Navigate to ACPT > Taxonomies to create and associate them with your custom post types.

Tip: Making taxonomies hierarchical can improve organization and usability.

Creating Meta Fields

Navigate to the Meta Fields section within your custom post type:

  1. Add a new meta box and fill in the details.
  2. Create fields for price, location, etc., using ACPT’s intuitive interface.

Advice: Regularly back up your meta field configurations to prevent data loss.

Building an Archive Template with Bricks Builder & ACPT

Navigate to Bricks > Templates to start building your archive template:

  1. Add dynamic fields by selecting them from the ACPT options.
  2. Configure display settings to suit your design needs.

Building an Archive Template with Bricks Builder & ACPT

Analogy: Think of Bricks Builder templates as the blueprint for your property’s display.

Creating a Single Property Template

Navigate to Bricks Builder to create a single property template:

  1. Define the template’s conditions for the property post type.
  2. Insert dynamic data fields for the property details.

Creating a Single Property Template

Tip: Use the lightbox feature to showcase property images effectively.

Dynamic WordPress Website – Conclusion

There you go, you’ve successfully set up a dynamic WordPress website with ACPT and Bricks Builder.

Required Resources

Payment required
Bricks Builder Logo
Payment required
Credit to WPTuts
WPTuts is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to providing high-quality, easy-to-follow tutorials for WordPress enthusiasts, web designers, and developers. The channel features a wide range of topics, from beginner guides on setting up your first WordPress site to advanced tutorials on customizing themes and plugins, ensuring that there's something for everyone
Create a Dynamic WordPress Website with ACPT & Bricks Builder
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