April 26, 2024

Create Bricks Builder Event Listings with ACF

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Tutorial Walkthrough
This video tutorial provides an in-depth walkthrough, and we recommend following along with the video to grasp the concept fully. Below, you'll find a summary of the tutorial, but please note that it may leave out some detailed steps, so watching the video will give you the most comprehensive understanding.

Create engaging and well-organized Bricks Builder event listings on your website using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). This tutorial will guide you through the steps of setting up event dates and automatically managing them, ensuring they are displayed in the right order and only show upcoming events.

Create Bricks Builder Event Listings with ACF Preview
Bricks Builder Event Listings Preview


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Challenges with Event Listings in Bricks Builder

Creating effective event listings in Bricks Builder involves overcoming several key challenges:

  • Event Sorting
    Events may not automatically sort by date, leading to a mix of past and future events displayed together.
  • Date Formatting
    Dates might appear in formats that are not user-friendly, affecting the visual appeal and readability of event listings.
  • Manual Updates
    Without dynamic updates, users must manually remove past events, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Bricks Builder Event Listings – Video Chapter Summary

  • 0:00
    Introduction to the problem of setting up event dates in Bricks Builder using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), highlighting initial challenges encountered when ordering events by date.
  • 0:31
    Mention of upcoming tutorial content, emphasizing tips and tricks related to the event setup.
  • 0:49
    Presentation of the “upcoming date” section in Bricks Builder, demonstrating three event dates organized chronologically (March, June, July).
  • 1:04
    Introduction to the setup in ACF, detailing the creation of a custom post type called ‘dates’ with various fields, focusing particularly on the ‘event date’ field.
  • 1:27
    Explanation of choosing the right date format in ACF to ensure proper sorting by date. Emphasis on using the ‘YMD’ format for storing dates in the database to facilitate sorting.
  • 2:02
    Illustration of the issue with standard date formats in sorting and the solution of formatting dates as a simple numeric string (YYYYMMDD) without separators.
  • 2:40
    Transition to the practical application of setting up dates in Bricks Builder, showing how to input and display formatted dates in the backend.
  • 3:08
    Explanation of setting up a test page to display event dates, incorporating ACF fields into the Bricks Builder layout.
  • 3:59
    Setup of a query loop in Bricks Builder to display posts according to dates using the custom post type ‘dates’, and addressing the layout aesthetics.
  • 4:30
    Introduction to a Bricks-specific feature for formatting date displays within text fields using simple code snippets.
  • 4:38
    Detailed explanation of ordering posts by date in Bricks Builder using meta values and key settings in the query setup.
  • 5:09
    Introduction of an advanced feature to automatically exclude past dates from the display using a meta query with current date comparison.
  • 6:17
    Demonstration of how the date format and meta queries work together to ensure that only relevant future dates are displayed, simplifying the management of event listings.
  • 8:20
    Visual demonstration of the effectiveness of date sorting and auto-exclusion of past dates on the test page.
  • 8:59
    Conclusion with the setup of a grid display using an advanced thema tool to improve the visual layout of event listings.
  • 9:45
    Summary of the video’s aim to demonstrate simple but effective techniques for managing date-based events in Bricks Builder, highlighting the benefits of using meta queries for automatic data handling.

Official Documentation

Bricks Builder Event Listings – Conclusion

With the capabilities of Bricks Builder and ACF, you can create dynamic event listings that automatically update and display based on the event date. This tutorial not only helps you implement these features but also ensures that your listings remain current and visually appealing, enhancing user engagement on your website.

Required Resources

Bricks Builder Logo
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Credit to WPTuts
WPTuts is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to providing high-quality, easy-to-follow tutorials for WordPress enthusiasts, web designers, and developers. The channel features a wide range of topics, from beginner guides on setting up your first WordPress site to advanced tutorials on customizing themes and plugins, ensuring that there's something for everyone
Create Bricks Builder Event Listings with ACF
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