April 1, 2024

Add WooCommerce Admin Columns to Your Overview with a Code Snippet

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Adding WooCommerce Admin Columns can offer a clearer insight into product details such as attributes and whether a product is simple or variable. This tutorial will guide you through adding these admin columns using a code snippet approach, making your product management more efficient and intuitive.


Please make sure you have the following installed and activated:

Benefits of Adding Extra Admin Columns to WooCommerce

  • Enhanced Visibility
    By displaying product attributes and types (simple or variable) directly in the product overview, store managers can quickly grasp essential product information without needing to open each product individually. This immediate visibility can significantly speed up product management tasks and decision-making processes.
  • Efficient Management
    For online stores with extensive product listings, navigating through products to find specific attributes or types can be time-consuming. These snippets simplify this process by bringing important information to the forefront, thereby facilitating easier sorting, filtering, and overall management.
  • Customization
    Every online store has unique needs based on its inventory, management style, and customer base. Custom admin columns allow store owners to tailor the product overview to better suit these needs, focusing on the information that is most critical to their operations.
  • Streamlined Workflows
    By reducing the need to click through to individual product pages for certain information, these snippets can streamline workflows within the WooCommerce dashboard. This efficiency can lead to quicker updates and adjustments, helping store managers keep the product listings accurate and up-to-date with less effort.
  • No Plugin Dependency
    While there are plugins available that can add similar functionalities, using code snippets provides a lightweight and straightforward solution without the need for additional plugins. This means less bloat on your website, faster loading times, and a reduced risk of plugin conflicts.

Instructions for Additional WooCommerce Admin Columns

  1. Navigate to Code Snippets > Add New to create a new snippet. Give it a title e.g. ‘Add Attributes as Admin Column’.
  2. For an attribute admin column copy the following code:
    function add_product_attributes_column( $columns ) {
        // Add a new column for attributes after the 'name' column
        $new_columns = array();
        foreach ( $columns as $key => $title ) {
            $new_columns[ $key ] = $title;
            if ( 'name' === $key ) {
                $new_columns['product_attributes'] = __( 'Attributes', 'your-text-domain' );
        return $new_columns;
    add_filter( 'manage_edit-product_columns', 'add_product_attributes_column', 10, 1 );
    // Populate the custom column with product attributes
    function show_product_attributes_in_column( $column, $postid ) {
        if ( $column == 'product_attributes' ) {
            global $product;
            // Ensure we have a product object
            if ( !is_a( $product, 'WC_Product' ) ) {
                $product = wc_get_product( $postid );
            if ( ! $product ) {
                echo '';
            // Get the product attributes
            $attributes = $product->get_attributes();
            if ( !empty( $attributes ) ) {
                $attributes_list = array();
                foreach ( $attributes as $attribute ) {
                    // If the attribute is a taxonomy
                    if ( $attribute->is_taxonomy() ) {
                        $values = wc_get_product_terms( $product->get_id(), $attribute->get_name(), array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );
                        $attributes_list[] = wc_attribute_label( $attribute->get_name() ) . ': ' . join( ', ', $values );
                    } else {
                        // For custom product attributes
                        $attributes_list[] = wc_attribute_label( $attribute->get_name() ) . ': ' . $attribute->get_options();
                echo join( ', ', $attributes_list );
            } else {
                echo __( 'No attributes', 'your-text-domain' );
    add_action( 'manage_product_posts_custom_column', 'show_product_attributes_in_column', 10, 2 );

    Source: Code Snippets Cloud

  3. For a product-type admin column copy the following code:
    // Add a new column for 'Product Type' to the Products page in the admin dashboard
    function add_product_type_column($columns) {
        // Insert the 'Product Type' column after the 'name' column
        $new_columns = [];
        foreach ($columns as $key => $title) {
            $new_columns[$key] = $title;
            if ('name' === $key) {
                $new_columns['product_type'] = __('Product Type', 'your-text-domain');
        return $new_columns;
    add_filter('manage_edit-product_columns', 'add_product_type_column', 10, 1);
    // Populate the 'Product Type' column with the type of the product
    function show_product_type_in_column($column, $postid) {
        if ($column == 'product_type') {
            $product = wc_get_product($postid);
            if (!$product) {
                echo __('N/A', 'your-text-domain'); // Display N/A if product is not found
            // Display the product type
            echo ucfirst($product->get_type()); // Capitalize the first letter
    add_action('manage_product_posts_custom_column', 'show_product_type_in_column', 10, 2);
    // Custom CSS to adjust the width of the 'Product Type' column to 15%
    function custom_admin_column_widths() {
        echo '<style>
            .wp-list-table .column-product_type { width: 6% !important; }
    add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_column_widths');

    Source: Code Snippets Cloud

  4. To reduce the product name column width copy the following code:
    function custom_admin_product_list_column_widths() {
        echo '<style>
            .wp-list-table .column-name { width: 14% !important; }
            //.wp-list-table .column-sku { width: 10% !important; }
            //.wp-list-table .column-stock { width: 15% !important; }
            //.wp-list-table .column-price { width: 10% !important; }
            // Add more columns as needed
    add_action('admin_head', 'custom_admin_product_list_column_widths');

    Source: Code Snippets Cloud

  5. Save and test the snippet(s).
    Save and test the snippet for WooCommerce admin columns

Official Documentation

Additional WooCommerce Admin Columns – Conclusion

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you’ve successfully added custom columns to your WooCommerce product overview in the WordPress admin. This enhancement not only provides a quicker way to view product attributes and types but also streamlines the management process, making it easier to maintain and update your online store. Remember, customizations like these allow for a more personalized and efficient dashboard tailored to your specific needs.

Required Resources

WooCommerce Logo
Free Options
Code Snippets Logo
Free Options
Credit to Web Squadron
Web Squadron is a popular YouTube channel dedicated to providing informative tutorials, tips, and insights on web development and design. With a strong focus on WordPress and website builders like Bricks Builder, the channel aims to help users of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced developers, create and optimize their websites. By offering easy-to-understand, step-by-step guidance, Web Squadron provides practical and valuable content.
Add WooCommerce Admin Columns to Your Overview with a Code Snippet
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