November 29, 2023

Walkthrough: Steps for Speed Optimization in WordPress with WP Rocket

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Tutorial Walkthrough
This video tutorial provides an in-depth walkthrough, and we recommend following along with the video to grasp the concept fully. Below, you'll find a summary of the tutorial, but please note that it may leave out some detailed steps, so watching the video will give you the most comprehensive understanding.

Speed Optimization in WordPress is crucial for a positive impression. Slow-loading websites can significantly impact user experience and search engine rankings. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to enhance your WordPress site’s speed using the WP Rocket plugin.

Steps for Speed Optimization in WordPress with WP Rocket Results
Speed Optimization Results


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Speed Optimization in WordPress with WP Rocket

Identifying the Website and Initial Assessment

  • The website in question is
  • Initial observations reveal slow loading times, identified as a potential conversion killer for the webshop.
  • The site sells motor stickers and related accessories.

Utilizing Speed Tools

Analyzing First Results

  • The website scores poorly on mobile (11) and desktop (38) in Page Speed Insights, with issues in content loading times.
  • GT Metrix and Pingdom also show subpar performance, emphasizing problems with contentful paint and load time.

Optimizing the Website

  • Logging into WordPress, addressing security concerns, and updating plugins and themes.
  • Reducing the excessive number of active plugins (57) and updating pending ones (16).
  • Evaluating and managing WooCommerce products and translations.

Implementing WP Rocket Caching Plugin

  • Recommends using WP Rocket, a premium caching plugin.
  • Steps include purchasing, downloading, installing, and activating the plugin.
  • Detailed walkthrough of WP Rocket settings:
    • Cache settings: Mobile device caching, user cache, and cache lifespan.
    • File optimization: Minifying CSS and JavaScript, optimizing CSS delivery, removing unused CSS, and deferring JavaScript loading.
    • Media settings: Lazy loading images, iframes, and videos.
    • Preloading settings: Cache preloading, link preloading, and font preloading.
    • Advanced rules for caching and database optimization.
    • CDN settings and heartbeat optimization.
    • Add-ons for Varnish, WebP, CloudFlare, and Securi integration.

Image Optimization with Imagify

  • Installing and configuring Imagify for image compression and format optimization.
  • Emphasis on smart compression and WebP format for enhanced performance.

Final Testing and Results

  • Re-testing the website’s speed after optimizations.
  • Notable improvements in load times and performance scores across Page Speed Insights, GT Metrix, and Pingdom.
  • Additional adjustments to lazy loading settings for specific images to further improve mobile performance scores.

Official Documentation

Speed Optimization in WordPress – Conclusion

Optimizing your WordPress site’s speed is not just about enhancing user experience but also about improving your site’s SEO. WP Rocket makes this task straightforward and efficient. With the right settings and adjustments, you can significantly improve your website’s performance.

Required Resources

GTmetrix Logo
Free Options
WP Rocket Logo
Payment required
Credit to The WPress Doctor
WPressDoctor is an expert in the world of WordPress, offering in-depth tutorials on everything from securing your website to optimizing it for search engines. With a keen focus on various plugins, WPressDoctor provides step-by-step guides that are both informative and easy to follow.
Walkthrough: Steps for Speed Optimization in WordPress with WP Rocket
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