August 23, 2023

Best LiteSpeed Cache Settings for your WordPress Site

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The LiteSpeed Cache settings can be a bit daunting, especially when you’re aiming for that perfect balance of performance and functionality. But fret not! In this tutorial, we’ll break down the optimal settings to ensure your website runs smoothly and efficiently.

1. General Settings

  • Domain Key
    Request and input your domain key to connect with QuicCloud.
  • Guest Mode
    Activate this to optimize the experience for first-time visitors.

2. Cache Settings

  • Enable Cache
    Activate this to store static versions of your pages.
  • TTL (Time To Live)
    Set the public and private cache to 604800 seconds and the front page TTL to 604800 seconds.
  • Cache Logged-in Users
    Deactivate unless you have a membership site.
  • Cache Commenters
    Deactivate to avoid creating a separate cache for pending comments.
  • Cache REST API
    Activate to optimize themes, plugins, and the WordPress block editor.
  • Cache Login Page
    Activate to protect against bots targeting the login page.
  • Cache favicon.ico
    Activate to cache the browser tab logo.
  • Cache PHP Resources
    Activate to cache static PHP files.

3. CDN Integration

  • CDN
    Turn this on. QUIC was built specifically for LiteSpeed and offers a robust CDN with HTML caching. Note that the free plan only uses 6 PoPs, while the standard plan, which costs between $.02 – $.08/GB, provides access to all 81 PoPs with DDoS protection.
  • Use CDN Mapping
    Turn this off unless you’re using a CDN like BunnyCDN that utilizes a CDN URL. If you do use such a CDN, input the CDN URL and select the files to be served from it.
  • HTML Attribute To Replace
    Leave this as-is, given the CDN mapping setting is off.
  • Original URLs
    Keep default unless you’re running a multisite with varied domains and subdomains.
  • Included Directories
    Stick to just the wp-content and wp-includes directories.
  • Exclude Path
    Leave this as default unless you want to exclude specific directories.
  • Cloudflare API
    This is only necessary if you’re opting for Cloudflare’s CDN over CDN.

4. Image Optimization

  • Auto Request Cron
    Activate to automatically request image optimization.
  • Optimize Images
    Activate for LiteSpeed to compress and optimize images.
  • Remove Original Backups
    Deactivate to keep a backup of original images.
  • Optimize Losslessly
    Activate for lossless compression.

5. Page Optimization

  • CSS Minify and Combine
    Activate both to reduce and combine CSS files.
  • JS Minify and Combine
    Activate both to reduce and combine JS files.
  • HTML Minify
    Activate to reduce the size of HTML.
  • Load JS Deferred
    Activate to improve loading times.
  • Load CSS Asynchronously
    Activate to improve page speed scores.
  • Font Display Optimization
    Set to “swap” to ensure text remains visible during web font load.

6. Database Optimization

  • Revisions Max Number
    Set to 2-3 to limit post revisions and save database space.
  • Optimize Database
    Use this feature periodically to clean up your database.

7. Crawler Settings

  • Crawler
    Activate to ensure the cache is always fresh.
  • Sitemap-based Crawler
    Activate to prioritize important pages.

8. Toolbox Settings

  • Purge All
    Use this to clear the entire cache.
  • Purge by Rules
    Use this to selectively clear the cache.

Understanding Server Environments

It’s essential to note that while these LiteSpeed cache settings are a great starting point, every server environment is unique. Factors like server configuration, hosting provider, and the specific needs of your website can all influence how you should adjust these settings. It’s a bit like tailoring a suit; while there’s a general fit, the final adjustments need to be made based on the individual. So, always monitor your site’s performance and be ready to make tweaks to get the best out of LiteSpeed Cache in your specific environment.

Additional Resources

LiteSpeed Cache Settings Wrap Up

With these detailed LiteSpeed cache settings, your website should be primed for optimal performance with LiteSpeed Cache. Remember to periodically review and adjust settings as your site evolves and grows. The digital landscape is dynamic, and staying on top of these settings ensures your site remains fast and efficient.

Required Resources

LiteSpeed Cache Logo
Free Options
Credit to The WPress Doctor
WPressDoctor is an expert in the world of WordPress, offering in-depth tutorials on everything from securing your website to optimizing it for search engines. With a keen focus on various plugins, WPressDoctor provides step-by-step guides that are both informative and easy to follow.
Best LiteSpeed Cache Settings for your WordPress Site
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